Risks of laser hair removal unprofessional

In the last few years have been appearing centers that offer laser hair removal treatments performed by staff very poorly qualified and very low prices. This offer is hurting a very useful technique because, to be able to offer these economic conditions, working with a device little or nothing effective, even counterproductive, taking into account that, in the laser hair removal, necessary to adjust the parameters of the beam of light to the type of hair (black, brown, blonde, etc) and skin type (phototype) mainly.

The parameters I have to set in function of the characteristics of the patient in order to heat the hair and destroy it are the wavelength (nm) dose (J/cm2) and the duration (ms). If we do not do so, it is very possible that, in the time of the destruction of the hair, let's get a ‘paradoxical effect’, widely described in the medical literature, that consists in the stimulation of the hairs that were in dormant state and begin to grow.

The scientific basis of photodynamic therapy, laser hair removal and the treatment of coagulation of spider veins using a beam of light is the Fototermolisis Selective, which means that the different structures of the body react to different wavelengths and take more or less time to reach a certain temperature that will allow the coagulation, denaturation, or destruction of the structure without damaging the surrounding structures.

Becoming more and more usual is that the laser for hair removal that are used in these centers need excessive time to give the right dose, so that the heat that is concentrating on the hair to disperse and starts to burn the surrounding structures, as for example the skin.

Another important aspect of laser hair removal is to adapt the interval sessions in function of the different phases of hair growth in different areas of the body. In the same way that it makes no sense to shave every three hours, neither does it has to do sessions of laser hair removal on the face before three or four weeks, or before six or eight in the rest of the body, except in specific cases.

It is also very important that the centers that perform laser hair removal treatments are concerned about the eye protection of the patient, with the use of protective eyewear that protect effectively and safely. But, it may cause damage of various kinds in the eyes (eye pain, vision loss, red eyes, or the injury of the iris and the retina, among others).
However, in the hands of professionals and with the equipment and protocols of appropriate treatment, the benefits of laser hair removal are many. In our next post, we'll talk about these benefits.


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