What the tattoos can be removed without injuring the skin?

Remove tattoos without hurting the skin

Although the tattoos are a trend among the younger generations still booming, it is also true that at a certain age have also shown signs ever larger in people that correspond to remove or delete these “inks” with laser, even when you knew earlier that this was for life. Several experts have stated that the competitiveness in the field of labour could be one of the causes to which he attributes this new fashion erase the names, drawings, and other designs of the body. However, Esther Roy, a specialist in clinical applications of Cynosure for Spain and Portugal, alleges that while the labor proceedings serve as major factors that urge you to make this decision, other reasons also come in addition to it.

Here are some considerations that you must keep in mind in case you want to get a tattoo and also points to consider in the event that you want to remove one in particular of your skin:

Reasons to opt a tattoo

The lack of love, for example, would be the second cause for which they go to clinics aesthetic to erase a tattoo. “A lot of people it clears the name of the partner that you have not already, because he wants to put another one on the same site or because you don't want to.”

In terms of age, although there are always exceptions, it is surprising that the average age is around thirty, maybe because it's the profile of a majority of job search. With regard to sex, currently, it is men that more come to, “because they are what have always made more tattoos”, although Roy points out that “later you can change the profile”.

The tattoo and the area of the body

The most common areas are the inner side of the wrist and ankles; above all, it exposed areas, like the upper back, or arms. There is the belief that you can remove the tattoo completely, however, this expert points out that yes it is possible thanks to the new laser beams, even the most difficult are those that carry ink color: shades of green, blue, clear, yellow, orange, and fluorescent. In addition, there are no scars or marks and works on all skin types.

“It eliminate all types of tattoos, although are best removed the black and dark, they are mostly the colour that puts people in tattoos small and medium-sized”.

Without scars

Within the last generation of the laser Q-switched approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the united States (FDA acronym in English), this laser is highlighted, since it has distinct wavelengths that can treat and remove all the tattoos without scars. Their technology is based on the technique, photoacoustic, which means that it emits the energy concentrated in a very short pulse and does “explode” the pigment without damaging the surrounding tissue, unlike other laser on the market because it emits energy with a profile shot of high-energy flat, with no peaks or “hot” points giving high efficiency and safety with a minimum of damage to the surrounding tissue and, above all, in the skin.
The protocol of the treatment will depend on several factors such as the amount and type of ink, the depth of the drawing and the size, will determine the number of sessions needed. In general, tend to be between 3 and 10 sessions held each month. With regard to possible burns, “it is a risk you always run with the laser”, but because of that, adds Roy, “it is necessary to put in the hands of experts”. Source: Salud180.com

Technology Laser Q-Switched

For your tattoo to be removed safely and effectively, you have to put your trust in the right hands. In Laser Centre Cali we are specialists in the removal of tattoos, and we use the latest laser technology and specialized techniques to achieve the best results for any pigment or skin type.

Due to the ever-increasing popularity of tattoos in the last ten years, the demand of treatments for their removal has also grown exponentially. Tattoos are created by injecting pigments of color in small holes made in the skin. Regardless of the experience and training who inject the pigment, brands or drawing are relatively permanent. But with the laser Q-Switched can be remove with success any tattoo.

It is important to take into consideration the color of the ink of the tattoo, as this largely depends on the success of the laser treatment. The ink dark, like the blue, black and red respond better to treatments. The inks in orange and purple do well. Ink and green and yellow may require additional sessions. Usually the more old the tattoo is, the easier the removal.

Advantages for the patient

– A very safe way to remove tattoos, unwanted.

– Effective treatment for inks dark and light.

– Dramatic results after several sessions.

– Painless and without disability.

Are you ready to transform your skin and take care of your beauty?

Schedule today your appointment valuation at no cost and get rid of the tattoos that you arrepentiste with our laser treatments and advanced.

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