Say goodbye to ingrown hairs with laser treatments!

Women love to show off their legs at any time of the year, whether to go to a marriage, to the beach, or another special occasion. But can't always wear them, many suffer from a condition called folliculitis, which occurs when they are ingrown hairs. It is certainly an uncomfortable situation and unflattering.

The folliculitis or ingrown hair is inflammation of one or more hair follicles, it can appear in any area hairy body. The main causes are friction or continuous trauma of the skin with clothing, the use of moisturizing creams very oily, excessive sweating, use of occlusive dressings, some infections, and also the use of methods depilatories not long-lasting as the razor.

It is located frequently in areas such as the groin and legs. The lesions are characterized clinically as ‘granite with white tip’, surrounded by a red halo. They are usually asymptomatic, although they can occasionally cause itching and even pain if you are more profound.

We recommend these tips that you can do for your account to be decreasing your appearance:

    • To properly clean the affected area with an antiseptic soap.
    • Avoid wearing some very tight, leading to constant rubbing.
    • Do not use moisturizer substances excessively fat.
    • Exfoliating the skin before waxing.
    • Shaving always following the direction of hair growth.

A definitive solution for ingrown hairs

The laser hair removal it may be the only option to end definitively with ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is currently the best treatment for folliculitis chronic. On the one hand, it prevents the hair of the area with other methods for non-durable, which favor the continuous trauma and the appearance of folliculitis and on the other hand, to destroy the follicle prevents injuries from the first session.

Laser hair removal work by emitting a light which is captured by the pigment of hair, resulting in a selective destruction of the hair follicle. The need pigments to work, it is imperative that the hair have color and the skin is not pigmented. The treatment is to go to jerking sessions with a frequency between 1 - 2 months, so that the hair will become more and more weak, more clear, and to a lesser amount.

Cali Laser Center account with the laser Harmony XL Pro and Soprano Ice Platinum, and in the valuation free that we offer, we can guide you about the best treatment for you, depending on your personal characteristics and life-style. From the first session you will see results, because it is fast, effective, safe, comfortable, painless and hygienic. And if your purpose is to end not only with the hairs not desired, but also with the discomfort of ingrown hairs, laser hair removal is definitely the best option to achieve this.

Are you ready to transform your skin and take care of your beauty?

Schedule today your date of valuation free of charge and say goodbye to hair permanently with our laser treatments and advanced.

📞 Call us at  301 275 3743 write us by WhatsApp by clicking HERE.

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