Permanent Laser hair removal technology Inmotion

Permanent laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic treatment is non-invasive most demanded in the world, with an estimated growth of 18%. With 3.1 million laser treatments were made only in the year 2006, laser hair removal is a treatment that will definitely help you to improve the look of your body. Although there are many ways to eliminate unwanted hair, very few laser can avoid that this may be reborn and, at the same time, do not damage the skin around.

Therefore, the photoepilation has quickly become the most popular. The lasers that we have in Cali Laser Center it is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis to eliminate unwanted hair and prevent it to grow back without damaging the skin. During this type of treatment, the laser passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin that contains the root. This absorption causes the increase of the temperature in the hair follicle and the destruction by heat of the cells responsible for the revival of the hair. The parameters (wavelength, pulse duration and power) can be modified in order to destroy these cells, without damaging the skin.

Our Laser hair removal treatment with Harmony XL is a procedure of last technology specially designed to remove unwanted hair faster, comfortable and final. With this laser can treat dark skin and sensitive areas without causing discomfort generated by other systems of waxing.

Technology In Motion

This technique is to achieve a gradual warming of the follicle of the hair using a soft rendition of energy, which do not cause discomfort and allow you to stay comfortable during the treatment. With this technique you can do laser hair removal safely and in short, any area of the body, including neck, face, mustache, legs, arms, áxilas, bikini area, back, and buttocks.

Main advantages for patients

– Technology-IN-Motion™ allows you to perform treatments comfortable for the patient, practically painless, and without the need for anesthetics or gel numbing.

– Permanent reduction of hair in all skin types, including dark and tanned.

– Treatment comfortable, painless, and hassle-free.

– Permanent reduction of hair effectively.

– No side effect.

Are you ready to transform your skin and take care of your beauty?

Schedule today your date of valuation free of charge and say goodbye to hair permanently with our laser treatments and advanced.

📞 Call us at  301 275 3743 write us by WhatsApp by clicking HERE.

I hope in Laser Center Cali.

Always happy to give you the best of us♥!


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