Do you know all the secrets of laser hair removal?

All the secrets of laser hair removal: Is it safe? Do your results are permanent? What differences between epilation and laser hair removal?

The laser has been doing a gap exception among the techniques of hair removal, because of, above all, to its duration. Therefore, we wanted to investigate a little more about this technique, to try to leave things a little more clear in the event that you have raised in any occasion needing a laser hair removal treatment.

To do this, our director and founder, the Doctor Fernando Motta Mafla)helps us to know a little more about the technique. Don't miss it!

For a layman, can arise doubts because of the large amount of names and advertising, sometimes misleading, that often surround the topic. Do you think that it is essential to rely on the advice and recommendations of a doctor?

Not only the recommendations of a doctor are critical, but also the follow-up. Both the laser hair removal, as the aesthetic medicine non-invasive it must have a control and continuous follow-up care, to avoid jeopardizing the health of the patient. Today there are many establishments that offers hair removal and even facial fillers without medical treatment. This can seriously affect the health of the patient and have negative lifelong consequences.

Today, laser hair removal is done in centers-medical aesthetic centers of beauty or, even, hairdressers or gyms. Do you think a lack of regulation more clear in order to avoid possible problems?

Without a doubt, the regulation is necessary. Keep in mind that the patient is putting their body, their skin and their health in the hands of the person who is depilando a laser. If the hair removal is done by a person not prepared and without medical knowledge, it can lead to injury very serious, often irreversible.

In parallel to the growth of the demand, there is also increasing complaints by small scars (burns, for example) or for results that are not as expected, where is the problem?

The biggest problem lies in the use of the appliance by non-professionals and without the follow-up and medical control. If the staff that makes the hair removal is not certified to use the equipment, it also can result in burns to the patient.

Keep in mind that each patient is a world and that, therefore, before you perform the laser hair removal, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will examine the patient's skin, the medicines you take, etc., The best way to avoid these consequences is to make sure that the staff that handles the machine is certified to do this and to have a medical doctor.

Speaking of the technique itself, are the results permanent?

The results are permanent, as long as the patient perform the sessions when you are advised, based on the cycle of the hair. If you skip sessions or let it go too long between one and another, then the results are delayed. Although the results are 100%, we recommend that, once completed, carry out an annual session, to remove hair blond fine appears on a few occasions.

What is a safe method?

If it is done by people certified to handle the laser and under a medical follow-up, the security is total. In addition to effective.

What areas are you particularly recommend?

For all. There is no type of area for which it is not advised to the laser. It can be used in all areas of the body in any type of skins.

To what extent do they influence the tone of the skin and the color of the hair?

With the laser Harmony XL Pro and laser Soprano Ice Platinum technology Alma Lasersthe tone of the skin and the color of the hair doesn't influence at all. They are particularly suitable for dark skin and blonde hair.

What is the suitable profile for a session of laser hair removal?

All kinds of ages from 14 years old, man and woman. The only conditions are that you have pasado15 days since the last time you took the sun and that the skin does not have any kind of wounds.

Is it still painful? Do they have improved the techniques in this regard?

The technology has improved a lot in this regard. With these lasers hair removal is virtually painless, although of course it always depends on each person. A person can be more sensitive than the other, but the pain is barely existing.

When did you begin to notice the results?

From the first session that is already noticeable as some of the hairs begin to grow and fall off. With each session are increasing in areas free of hairs, until they finally disappear all. It is advised to follow the indicated periods between each session for maximum effectiveness.

What are the latest developments in the field of laser hair removal?

The laser Harmony XL Pro and the Laser Soprano are the latest innovation in laser hair removal.

What precautions or care you have to have once you start with the sessions of laser?

First of all inform the doctor if you have any type of injury to the skin, if you are pregnant or if it has begun to take some kind of medication. All this is important because the skin can change, and the doctor is the most appropriate to say if you can or not to continue with the treatment.

What areas are still the women shave their?

Today, all areas are removing hair. The most popular are the armpits, groin, and legs, but other areas, such as the linea alba, facial hair, etc., are also very common.

Alexandrite laser, Diode, Ruby, Neodymium Yag... who is who in the world of laser? What could make us a small summary of a clear and simple way to understand a little more about each type and to who is more effective?

The difference between all these is the length of the wave: The Alexandrite is mostly used to dark hair and a skin tone average, the Diode, and is used for dark skin and removes all types of hair, the Ruby is particularly suitable for light skin and dark hair, and finally the Yag laser, with a wavelength of more high, can be used with any type of skin, even if it requires one or two more sessions. In our clinic we have 4 technologies.

Do they choose the type of laser is most appropriate for each person depending on their characteristics?

Since then. Before you begin the session is passed to a free medical consultation. There the doctor examined each client and determine what treatment is most appropriate for him or her.

Many readers are still without knowing the differences between the epilation and laser hair removal. What we could summarize in a simple way?

The laser has a light that travels in a straight line and is absorbed with greater precision. To be more precise, it protects the tissue around and only affects the melanin. That is to say, he goes straight to the root of the hair, the light does not fire to other areas of the skin. The photoepilation has a light that moves in all directions, so that it is less accurate. It is absorbed in all the areas of the skin, so that the hair follicle is not attacked directly.

Laser hair removal is it also male thing? How more and more men are flocking to the centers of laser hair removal? What areas are the most demanded for them?

Today there is almost no difference between men and women in matters of hair removal. In the clinic, we already have almost the same number of clients in both sexes. The men are aware that they are entitled to care and increasingly do so. As in women, all the areas are very demanded, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be the chest and back, followed by the armpits. 

To know more information about Dr. Fernando Motta Mafla), visit their official website:


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