Botox and hyaluronic acid: Myths and realities

The botox does not deform the face, or granted in the volume of parts in which it is applied

The botox and hyaluronic acid are the most chosen worldwide by doctors and patients as methods of rejuvenation, but its great boom in the past few years, has caused you to believe myths about the use of this toxin. According to the Pontifical Bolivarian University, people confuse the botox with fillers substances, for example, when they see the famous with a mouth blunt and to deform it is believed that it is because of the application of botox. Let's clarify that Botox does not grant volume in the areas that applied, in fact, he claims that many of the facial deformities that are commonly observed in the society are due to the application of products of different filling to hyaluronic acid. In addition to what is attributed to the application of non-medical staff or doctors without the proper training or the ideal training required to apply it.

The botox is the registered trademark of Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified protein and a component fully biological (there is no chemical or synthetic) and is secreted by a microorganism called clostridium botulinum. This toxin produces the temporary easing of the striated muscle, blocking the impulses that originate in the nerve endings, and that you contact the facial musculature. It relaxes the muscles in such a way that you can't catch and when not to contract the muscle, the skin that is on him will remain smooth, preventing creasing. Every time we express ourselves, we laugh or we cry, the muscles of the face contract, and, with the passage of time, the activity of these muscles produces wrinkles such as forehead lines, glabellar lines and crow's feet, among others, as well, the only recommendation with respect to its use is to stop spending three months between application and application to not develop anti-body that can decrease the effect.

The application of botox is a procedure quick and relatively painless, requires no anesthesia and no allergy test, it takes a few minutes (20 minutes to 30), and patients can continue with their rhythm of life without drawbacks. It is applied by means of an injection with a very thin needle into the muscle that form each wrinkle. The botox is indicated for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles visible with the face in motion. It is commonly applied in the upper third of the face: the forehead, between the eyebrows and crow's feet, but it can also be used for wrinkles of the nose, some areas of the neck, the corners of the lips and to outline the contour of the face and elevate the brows. There is No minimum age to start the treatment. Is the medical specialist who will determine, on the basis of each patient, what is the correct time to start with the treatment.

In general, it can be said that the average age is 30 years, as do not expect to form wrinkles to begin the treatment, in a young person with facial muscles very dynamic prevents the formation of wrinkles. Once applied it is recommended not to exercise, not to lie, not touching the face at the points of application, and not to go to swimming pool, sauna or Turkish. The botox begins to take effect 48 hours after application, and it looks a final effect to approximately 10 days. Toxins european you can see the real effect total to 2 weeks.

The loss of the effect is gradual and the duration of their results is from 4 to 6 months, depending on the metabolism of each patient, the technique of application and dose used. Once you complete the effect, the patient returns to the state prior to the application, having avoided during this period that the passage of time further damage to the skin, that's the way to do prevention. In any case, much worse.

The botox is not deformed, because of the loss of the treatment effect is manifested in a gradual manner, which means that, slowly, the muscle will recover its ability to contract. It should not be applied to pregnant women, or those who are breastfeeding. Also to people with neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia Gravis.

How the face is without expression?

No, the substance relaxes the muscles in the site in which it was injected. The degree of relaxation can be more or less intense, depending on the dose used. The individual treatment results are in agreement with the need of each patient. The lips striking, exaggerated, deformed, are the ones that are filled with permanent fillers such as Biopolymers, silicone or acrylic that migrate with the time, and do not accompany the process of physiological aging. The hyaluronic acid fillers are absorbable and can fill in the lips completely natural way. Hyaluronic acid is recognized as the substance of choice for facial fillers due to its efficacy and safety profile compared to the permanent fillers such as biopolymers, whose complications are also permanent and can occur even several years after its implementation.

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