4 treatments for facial rejuvenation without surgery

Facial rejuvenation

Wrinkles are a part of aging, and although it is not possible to delete them all, you have some options to make them less noticeable. What lines of expression on your face began to settle down a few years ago, and you want to “take a few years” without sacrificing naturalness or fall in the extremes, something that seems almost impossible? The idea is to look in the face results as close to the naturalness, rejuvenate, which do not alter facial features, which are not excessive and that it is possible to keep them, that is to say, that for a patient to be cost-effective to continue to take care of your skin and conceal their lines of expression. The technique of facial rejuvenation most suitable, depends on the skin type and the amount and depth of wrinkles, and Laser Center Cali, we offer a few options.


For expression lines more gentle, caused by exposure to the sun's rays, are used to peel that removes dead skin cells and exfoliates the skin, allowing new cells “repavimenten” the face, this attenuates or removes the expression lines. Start with a clean face, and after a light sanding of the skin to exfoliarla and open the pores, then apply different substances which are chosen depending on the skin type and how many lines of expression, with cotton the substance is placed, which are usually acidic, and let sit for a few minutes, then neutralize the substance with inhibitors of acid and finally gets a sunscreen.

Botulinum Toxin

When the wrinkles are more pronounced, and its origin is in the gestures or facial mimics, we propose the application of botulinum toxin. It consists in injecting this substance, which is what makes it partially block the contraction of the muscles to do that these muscles are eased when the patient is gesturing. The dose is very important because it is precisely when he abused the botox we see faces expression that does not move anything, that you see acartonadas and that far from being rejuvenated look older.

Botulinum toxin practically erases all the lines of expression for facial mimic to 72 hours of your application, it says. This treatment of facial rejuvenation is recommended for women starting at 30 years and is applied at least twice a year because the effect of botulinum toxin begins to lose from the fourth or fifth month of the application.

Laser treatments

For deep expression lines can also be used in the treatment of facial rejuvenation with laser. We have several types of lasers that what they do is to produce a small burn, makes a kind of bombardment with little dots of light that generate an exfoliation very deep because it is a burn-controlled. We have laser for whitening skin, spots, scars.

The recovery is longer because there is a healing process, that is to say, the face is going to get red, then you are going to fall part of the skin that was burned and below is the new skin that is going to have a much better quality.

Application of fillers

The deep grooves and very marked, ranging from the nose to the mouth or the flattening of the cheeks can be corrected with the application of fillers, either fat person's own or hyaluronic acid. Through minimally invasive procedures are performed under local anesthesia, with a small cannula is pulled out a bit of fat from the abdomen or inner side of the thighs, are obtained approximately 30 milliliters of fat, prepare to not have water, so you don't have the blood and the fat, with a jeringuitas special and a cannulas very finite, is injected into the areas where it is needed volume without leaving scars.

The effect of the grease applied, is about two years old and is not limited to expand the tissues but it also has healing properties because it contains cells from the patient themselves that generate a change in texture, color, and brightness on the skin. The other option is to apply a synthetic fill, that is to say, hyaluronic acid, which also has an immediate effect and with a duration of 8 months to a year.

Are you ready to transform your skin and take care of your beauty?

Schedule today your appointment valuation at no cost and find out how our laser treatments advanced

they can help you to significantly improve the wrinkles of your skin, making you look fresh and to you younger and radiant.

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