10 tips to keep your skin looking wonderful

How to have a healthy skin?

There is a limit to what the creams and lotions can do for our skin. What's more important to have a brighter, more luminous and healthy is to worry about what we put inside our body. Therefore, it is important that you nutras of foods that are part of a healthy diet. The biggest changes that you will see in your outside will come from your inner self and as a result of what you consume.

Here, a number of foods that have a positive impact on your skin and that you can start to incorporate into your diet to have a radiant skin, bright and mostly healthy.

1. Tomatoes

Tomato contains lycopene, the photochemical responsible for that are red. Your benefit is to protect the skin from the damage produced by the sun's rays, increasing the protection of the skin and reducing the damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Stimulates circulation and collagen production for a face soft and youthful. Contrary to what is believed, the antioxidant of the tomato is absorbed by the body once it has been cooked. You can take advantage of the lycopene in tomato sauce or ketchup, homemade, for example, because it is absorbed much better if eaten with fats such as olive oil.


2. Broccoli

Before to grow the popularity of kale, broccoli was the star. This plant has it all: detoxifies, is an anti-inflammatory, contains vitamins A, C and K and is also full of sulforaphane. Broccoli contains components that stimulate the production of enzymes that protect and improve the skin. Researchers from the John Hopkins University discovered that the skins treated with extract of broccoli and exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, had a 38 percent less redness and swelling.


3. Chocolate

It is proven that eating dark chocolate smooths and improves the appearance of the skin. According to a study from the University of Nottingham, the cocoa that is used in the semi-sweet chocolate contains substances that help counteract the aging, fatigue, and sleep problems.


4. Yogurt

A daily serving of yogurt will help detoxify your skin. The consumption of yogurt can do more than provide calcium for strong bones. It is also a probiotic natural that helps improve gastrointestinal problems and a food rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and protein. According to recent research, yogurt is an excellent weapon against acne, eczema, and even dandruff. The best are the yogurts that are low in sugar, which can increase inflammation of your skin.


5. Avocado

Rich in vitamins A, D and E, avocados are rich in good fats, phytonutrients and vitamin E for hydration. It reaches to the skin cells in the basal layer (the deepest of the dermis). The avocado oil is similar in composition to the natural oils of the skin, and essential fatty acids help to improve the appearance of the face. Vitamin B3 is especially important for skin healthy, as it has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves irritation and redness of the skin. An avocado has 27% of the amount of Vitamin B3 that is needed by the body.


6. Watercress

This leafy green is not common in our diet day-to-day, but watercress is rich in minerals such as iodine and antioxidants: packed with vitamins A, B1 , B2 , B6 , C , E, and K, all elements that can help to beautify the complexion. There are studies that have linked daily consumption of watercress with an increase in the levels of antioxidants that help with the body and the overall health of the skin.


7. Tofu

As we age, our skin loses its capacity of elasticity, thanks to the slow reduction of the supply of collagen. Equipped with calcium, vitamin E and proteins (which creates cells of the skin), the tofu has the ability to slow down the loss of collagen and maintain the elasticity of the skin.


8. Red fruits

Here there are several options, and all are delicious. Both the berries, such as strawberries, blackberries, and plums, are full of antioxidant content. In a study recently published in the Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food, these four fruits contain a higher amount of antioxidants than any other food, which translates into multiple benefits to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of your skin. The darker the fruit the better, as they have more antioxidants that attack free radicals produced by UV rays and pollution. They also serve to cause us with vitamin C and increase our supply of collagen.


9. Nuts and seeds

Here's why you should add a handful into your next salad: whether it's simple almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts or walnuts all contain a large dose of vitamin E, selenium, omega - 3 and zinc, which raises levels of collagen. These help keep the skin smooth and protect against cell damage. They also have lots of fiber, which helps the intestinal transit. The better functioning of the colon, the less pressure you will have our skin to get rid of waste, and its appearance will improve, as it will prevent clogging of the pores of the same.

As with the berries and nuts, there are a wide variety of seeds to choose from, from seeds of flax, sunflower, pumpkin, chia, hemp, which have properties to improve our skin. They all have the above-mentioned vitamin E and selenium, which help to achieve a radiant complexion. The seeds are loaded with omega, protein and antioxidants, very powerful.


10. Water

Last but not less important. While caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the skin, water is an element that keeps you in shape, refine lines and wrinkles. The water keeps the skin hydrated, reduces expression lines and wrinkles, and helps the body get rid of toxins. Doctors recommend eating about 8 glasses of water per day to improve your skin and your health in general. 


All of these tips are to help improve the appearance of your skin, making it radiant and healthy in a natural way. If you want to tighten your skin, remove wrinkles, dark spots and skin smooth, fresh and youthful, you can also get laser treatment of facial rejuvenation and body.

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